Article Processing Fee

Modestum publishes all its journals as Open-Access. All articles published in our journals are instantly made available to all readers world-wide free of charge as part of the open access policy adopted. This is made possible by one-time Article Processing Fee (APF) payable upon article acceptance to cover the cost of publication such as peer review administration, production, online hosting, and distribution of the articles.


APF for each journal is given in table below (*):

e-ISSN Journal name  


1305-8223 Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education  


(discounted to €1100 until December 31, 2024)

2516-3507 Electronic Journal of General Medicine  

€1200 for Type I articles (*)

€600 for Type II articles (**)

1309-6621 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations  

€250 for Type I articles (*)

€250 for Type II articles (**)

(waived until June 30, 2025)

1306-3030 International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education   €950 (discounted to €450 until June 30, 2025)
2468-4929 Pedagogical Research   €450 (waived until December 31, 2024)
2752-6054 Journal of Mathematics and Science Teacher   €250 (waived until December 31, 2024)
2754-544X Electronic Journal of Medical and Educational Technologies   €250 (waived until December 31, 2025)
2753-2658 Electronic Journal of Medical and Dental Studies   €250 (waived until December 31, 2025)
2754-091X Computers and Children   €250 (waived until December 31, 2025)
2752-647X Agricultural and Environmental Education   €250 (waived until December 31, 2025)
2542-4904 European Journal of Environment and Public Health   €250 (waived until December 31, 2024) 
2633-6537 Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education   €250 (waived until December 31, 2024)
2542-4742 European Journal of Sustainable Development Research   €250 (waived until December 31, 2024)
2634-8543 Journal of Contemporary Studies in Epidemiology and Public Health   €250 (waived until December 31, 2024)
2542-4874 Aquademia   €250 (waived until December 31, 2024)

plus tax where applicable

All prices are in Euros

(*) Type I articles: Original articles and review articles, metaanalysis

(**) Type II articles: Case reports, brief reports, mini/short reviews


The listed fees are for original research articles and review articles. APF for short communications, case reports, or brief reports are charged at 50% of these listed fees. Author(s) will be charged APF rate that is effective on article submission date. We accept payments in Euro (EUR), US Dollars (USD), British Pound Sterling (GBP).


Bank Accounts

Bank Currency SWIFT Code IBAN
Wise GBP TRWIGB2L GB65 TRWI 2314 7055 5976 85
Wise EUR TRWIBEB1XXX BE93 9671 8973 2467
Raiffeisen Bank USD, EUR RZBSRSBG RS35 2651 0000 0050 3487 74


Waiver and Discount Policy

Guest editorials, book reviews, and invited articles are exempt from publication fees.

Each actively contributing editorial board member of Modestum Journals is granted the right to publish one article, free of article publication fees, during the calendar year they serve on the board. This offer expires at the end of the year and cannot be accumulated or transferred to another person.

Reviewers of our journals will be awarded a 100% discount on their open access publication fees after every 6th completed reviews for their papers accepted by the journal.

Corresponding authors from low-income or lower-middle-income countries are entitled for full or partial fee waivers, respectively. See lists below for details:

Low-income countries (eligible for 100% waiver)

Afghanistan Ethiopia Mali Sudan
Burkina Faso Gambia Mozambique Syrian Arab Rep 
Burundi Guinea-Bissau Niger Togo
Central African Republic Korea, North Rwanda Uganda
Chad Liberia Sierra Leone Yemen
Congo Madagascar Somalia  
Eritrea Burkina Faso Malawi  

Lower-middle-income countries (eligible for 50% waiver)

Angola Eswatini Mauritania Sri Lanka
Algeria Ghana Micronesia Tanzania
Benin Guinea Mongolia Tajikistan
Bhutan Haiti Morocco Timor-Leste
Bolivia Honduras Myanmar Tunisia
Cabo Verde Jordan Nepal Uzbekistan
Cambodia Kenya Nicaragua Vanuatu
Cameroon Kiribati Papua New Guinea Zambia
Comoros Kyrgyz Rep Samoa Zimbabwe
Rep of Congo Lao PDR São Tomé and Principe  
Côte d'Ivoire Lebanon Senegal  
Djibouti Lesotho Solomon Islands  

Important Notes


Refund Policy

Once the receipt of the article processing fee is confirmed, the article is immediately moved to production and publication. We attach importance to providing a fair, responsible, fast, and responsive service to authors. We may issue a refund only if we are unable to publish the article due to our own mistakes, such as inability to prepare the galley proof or to publish the article online. In such a case, we will retain transaction and processing costs and refund the remaining amount. After the article is published online, no refunds will be issued.


Q & A

Question: Do I have to pay any fee during article submission?

Answer: No. There is no article submission fee. Article processing fee is payable upon the acceptance of the article.


Question: My article is rejected. Will I have to pay any fee?

Answer: No. Only articles that are accepted for publication after peer review are charged article processing fee.


Question: Do you have a fee waiver or discount program?

Answer: Yes, we have an extensive fee waiver program. If you are an editor or a reviewer or from a low-income/lower-middle-income country, you may be awarded with discounts or full waivers. You can apply to our fee waiver program by sending the details of your case to Each case is individually evaluated. Waivers or discounts should be requested no later than 24 hours after submission of manuscript. Authors who fail to submit the request within this period will be asked to pay the full price effective at the time of submission.


Question: Will my application to fee waiver program affect my editorial decision?

Answer: No. Applications to fee waiver program are not shared with the editors and reviewers. They do not have any knowledge on your ability pay the article processing fee, your discount rate, or your application to our fee waiver program. This information is kept confidential between the author and the publisher. So, it will have no effect on your editorial process.


Question: How will I pay the article processing fee?

Answer: After editorial acceptance, you will receive a detailed e-mail with payment information.


Question: What is covered by the article processing fee?

Answer: We provide high-quality editorial, production and publication services to our authors. After the confirmation of your payment, you will receive a galley proof of your article. When the galley proof is confirmed by authors, the article is assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) number and published online for the reach of a wide readership.


Question: My article was retracted. Can I receive a refund?

Answer: Article processing fee will not be refunded if the article is retracted after publication.


Question: My article is recently accepted. However, I sent the article in previous calendar year. What will be my article processing fee?

Answer: You will be charged APF rate that is effective on your article submission date.


For additional information, you can contact us at:


(Last updated  6 Augus.2024)